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Who We Are

We are a worker-owned and operated residential compost collection service that uses cargo bicycles to haul food scraps from your kitchen to local composting sites in Santa Cruz. We believe that the resilience of our communities is inseparable from the health of the land we live on. Transforming our food waste into fertile compost is one small way we can collectively nurture the land in the midst of global environmental crisis, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and sequester carbon in the soil.

Hard Core Compost in the News!

Why Hard Core?

Hard Core Compost and the City of Santa Cruz both collect food scraps. However, we offer clear benefits over the city’s collection program!

Hard Core Compost uses bikes and trailers to collect food scraps right from your doorstep. Dispose of food waste the right way. Sign up now for weekly pickups from Hard Core and get a free gallon of finished compost every month!

How do you want to manage your food waste? Do you want the City of Santa Cruz’s fossil fuel-powered trucks to collect and ship it over the mountains to Santa Clara? Or do you want it picked up on bicycles and composted right here in town?

The City requires businesses provide fiber-based compostable takeout containers and utensils — but then landfill them anyway? What are they thinking?

Hard Core Compost breaks down your PLA, PHA, and fiber-based packaging. Dispose of your compostable packaging the right way. Sign up for weekly pickups from Hard Core now and get a free gallon of finished compost every month!

Note: please check your packaging to make sure it is TUV or BPI certified before putting it in your compost bucket.

HCC and the Hub for Sustainable Living

Hard Core Compost LLC’s office is located at 703 Pacific Avenue, in the community center known as the Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Living. The Hub is a community center and 501(c)3 non-profit based in Santa Cruz, CA. Sustainable living includes skill-building, appropriate and affordable re/use of resources, human-powered transportation, building solidarity among communities, and nurturing creative culture. The Hub supports a broad constellation of independent, interrelated projects by providing space at it’s community center, and/or fiscal sponsorship as a non-profit umbrella organization. The Hub’s projects provide access to space, resources, and educational opportunities through demonstration, outreach, and hands-on learning. Learn more at – you can also visit @santacruzhub on Instagram and Facebook.